Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the use of our Label Place service (“Service”). The Policy forms an integral part of the Label Place Service Terms of Use (“Terms”) provided by Brother Industries, Ltd. (“Brother”, “we” or “our”), and any terms not defined in this privacy policy shall be governed by the definitions set forth in the Terms. In the event that the same term is defined in both documents, the definition in this privacy policy shall take precedence.

This privacy policy explains how we protect your privacy in relation to the Customer Data (defined below) that Brother may collect through this Software.
If the Customer Data is of such a nature that is capable of identifying you by matching it with other data held by us or other Brother Group companies, and such data is considered to be personal data under the applicable laws of the country or region where you reside (“Personal Information”), then we will protect such Customer Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our general privacy policy <>. Depending on the country or region where you reside, location specific privacy statements may separately apply.

Amendments and modifications to this privacy policy may be made without your prior consent in the following cases: A) when the amendments or modifications are in your general interest, or B) when the amendments or modification are rational and reasonable and do not conflict with the purpose of this privacy policy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in principle, the contents of the amendments or modifications shall be published on Brother's website or by any other appropriate methods before the effective date of the amendments or modifications and enter into effect from the date that is separately specified in the notification.

1. What data we collect:

In this Service, we collect the following Customer Data:
  1. Information provided when creating an account for the Service:
    • Information you provide when creating an account, such as your username, user icon, and any other information you provide in relation to the Service.
  2. Information collected technically during the use of the Service:
    • Information automatically collected during your use of the Service, such as the number of “likes” on your posts, number of downloads, number of labels posted, and your point acquisition history.
  3. Information collected when associating your account with your account on the Online Membership Registration Site:
    • Information such as your account ID that is collected when associating your account with your account on the Online Membership Registration Program (“Online Membership Registration Site “) provided by our sales subsidiary, Brother Sales Co., Ltd.
  4. Customer Content you post on the Service:
    • Content you post on the Service, such as text, charts, and images that may contain Personal Information.
  5. Information collected through the use of Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC:
    • Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data related to your use of the Service, including point acquisition and label submission drop-off rates, and other information related to the Service.

2. How we use your data

We will use Customer Data for the following purposes and related purposes. If we need to use Customer Data beyond the scope necessary to achieve these purposes, we will obtain your prior consent.
  1. Information provided when creating an account for the Service:
    • To register your customer account on the Service, authenticate users, manage user accounts, and communicate with you regarding the use of the Service, including notifications, announcements, advertising, and other communications.
  2. Information collected technically during the use of the Service:
    • To provide the Service, maintain and improve the system, solve any problems or issues, provide technical support, and send advertising to you.
  3. Information collected when associating your account with your account on the Online Membership Registration Site:
    • To authenticate users and manage user accounts.
  4. Customer content posted on the Service:
    • To provide and improve our products and services (including system maintenance and the development of new features and services), cache, record, reproduce, adapt, quote, reprint, upload, download, and otherwise use Customer Content for secondary purposes. This includes conducting statistical analysis in a non-personally identifiable manner to analyze customer preferences, interests, attributes, usage patterns, and other usage environments. This may also involve implementing marketing activities or delivering advertisements tailored to your needs regarding our services or products or those of third parties.

      Additionally, other customers of the Service may download, edit, or repost Customer Content, and create and use label tapes using our products.
  5. Information collected through Google Analytics:
    • To analyze and create statistical data regarding the usage of the Service, improve or enhance the user experience of our products or services (including the Service), and conduct marketing and research activities in a non-personally identifiable manner.
Please refer to the following website, , for information on how your data is collected and processed when we use Google Analytics.

We consider that we have a legitimate interest in processing your Customer Data for the above purposes. We may also process your Customer Data to fulfill our contractual obligations to you, to comply with our legal obligations to you, or to defend, prosecute or make legal claims (hereinafter, all of the above shall be collectively referred to as “Purposes”).
We will not use your Customer Data other than for the Purposes without your prior consent.

3. How we store your data

We take the security of your Customer Data very seriously and will use appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure.
We will keep your Customer Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the Purposes or for as long as we are required to do so by law. After this, we will confidentially destroy, delete, or permanently anonymize the Customer Data.

4. How we share your data

4.1 Unless we have obtained your prior consent or we have lawful basis based on applicable law (including, but not limited to Article 27.1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information), we will not provide Customer Data (including Personal Information voluntarily provided by you) to any third parties.
However, in cases where it is necessary to jointly use Customer Data with specific parties or to outsource the handling of Customer Data within the scope necessary to achieve the intended purpose, we may provide Customer Data to third parties without obtaining your consent.

(1) Joint use with Brother Group companies
We closely collaborate with Brother Group companies, which are our subsidiaries, and may use Customer Data jointly with them. Each Brother Group company has its own privacy policy. Please be aware that when a Brother Group company collects or handles Customer Data, the privacy policy of the respective company will be applied.
(2) Outsourcing

In the case of outsourcing, we may provide Customer Data to third parties in accordance with their respective privacy policies.
We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the above Brother Group companies and third parties shall treat the Customer Data as confidential information and maintain appropriate physical and technical security to prevent loss or misuse of your Customer Data.

4.2 If Customer Data includes personal-related information (as defined in Article 2.7 of the Personal Information Protection Act), we may provide such information to Brother Sales, Ltd. Brother Sales, Ltd. may compare the personal-related information received from us with Personal Information obtained separately from customers and acquire it as personally identifiable information. By using the Service, you are deemed to have consented to this acquisition by Brother Sales Ltd.

The kinds of personal-related information and their purposes of use are as follows:

5. Customer Rights

5.1 Under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, you have the right to request certain matters (hereinafter referred to as “Disclosure.”) regarding their Personal Information held by us.
These include: 5.2 If customers or their representatives wish to exercise the aforementioned rights of Disclosure, the procedure is as follows:

Please fill out the designated application form below and attach the necessary documents, then send it by mail.
You can also use the provided form. 5.3 Please note that we may not be able to disclose Personal Information in the following cases. If a decision is made not to disclose, we will notify you of the reasons for such decision. 5.4 In addition to requests for Disclosure, if there are changes to the Personal Information we hold about you or if the information is inaccurate, we recommend that you contact us to update or correct your information.

5.5 Additional information may be required to fulfill the above-mentioned customer requests.

6. External Transmission of Customer Data

In this service, we utilize tools to send advertising and analyze behavioral logs provided by third-party service providers. In some cases, we may transmit the necessary Customer Data to the third-party service providers providing the service listed in the table below.

The transmitted information will be managed and used based on the privacy policies separately established by the third-party service providers providing such services. For those with a link for opting out, you can stop the transmission of Customer Data by performing the specified operation on the linked page to stop its use by our company or the recipient.

Google Analytics

7. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the content of this privacy policy or the use of your Customer Data, please contact us at When contacting us, please provide specific details regarding your questions or concerns. Please note that depending on the nature of the inquiry, we may need to verify your identity. Also, please ensure that you have set your email settings to allow receipt from the domain “” so that you can receive our reply. Additionally, you can request a digital copy of this privacy policy through the contact information provided above.